Thursday, July 14, 2011

DeltaTalk Radio, Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reggie Furtick, Aerial Photographer, Aero Studio (Boonville) 662-554-5199
HomeSavers, WACKO, and Sky-Cammin’ 
July 14, 2011, WWMR (SuperTalk Mississippi) - Hosted by Mike Russell, with producer Brenda Mitchell 
(click here for a direct download link)

Some shows are just pure pleasure to host! This was one of ‘em!! Featured on this show:

A Tupelo man helping tornado-stricken families recover more quickly.

Izalda’s one of five people in the whole state of Mississippi helping Mississippi homeowners in danger of losing their homes…STAY in their homes.

LUJEAN HOWARD (662-844-8522)
The Director of Children’s Ministries at Hope Church Tupelo, Lujean is helping kids go wacko on PURPOSE next week.

REGGIE FURTICK (662-554-5199)
Aerial photographer from Boonville, Mississippi. We went IN the air with Reggie a few days ago. Now he goes ON the air with us! A man who combined both his true loves into one profession.

All that and more!

Enjoy the show and make sure to follow DeltaTalk Radio on Facebook and Twitter (@DeltaTalk). As always, you can reach me at You can also call our message line at 662-205-NEMS (6367) to record feedback we might use on the air!

Thanks for listening -- and for helping to make positive-media programming possible on the SuperTalk Mississippi Radio Network. DeltaTalk, a one-hour show, airs Thursday mornings at 9am on SuperTalk 102.FM in Tupelo.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

DeltaTalk Radio, Thursday, July 7, 2011

Just one of Tom Peters' excellent books
Rockets, Tom Peters, Tupelo, & A.D.D.
(click here for a direct download link)

July 7, 2011, WWMR (SuperTalk Mississippi) - Hosted by Mike Russell, with guest-host Brandon Wilemon

 Another great show -- and I was glad to have my friend Brandon Wilemon, subbing for producer Brenda Mitchell.

Featured on this show:

taking a ride on the space shuttle Atlantis (well.. kind of).

Speaking of inviting leaders on both sides of the aisle regarding the August 2nd debt ceiling deadline.

TOM PETERS, management guru
I've always admired this business maverick, whose thoughts about business, business management, creativity, branding, and marketing have always rung true with me. In this show, we have two major soundbites from him -- and talk about how "Too Much Talk, Not Enough Do" translates to Tupelo' decision to table the new revitalization program, at least for now.

CLINT GANNON, graduate
A month ago, the Daily Journal wrote about Itawamba Community College's extraordinary success at graduating students. We invited Will and Clint in to talk -- from an inside perspective -- about ICC's singular achievement.

On July 4th, armed with only an opinion, and absolutely no scientific credentials, a national radio host made absurd comments about the condition known as Attention Deficit Disorder. With that as the background, we discussed this disorder, and played 8 minutes of an extraordinary discussion between one of the country's premier A.D.D. researchers -- Dr. Ned Hallowell (Driven to Distraction, Delivered from Distraction) and Allan Gregg, a Canadian interviewer. Both Brandon and I have experience with this disorder; we've been researching this topic -- and will continue to follow up (here's a link to the entire interview on YouTube).

All that and more!

Enjoy the show and make sure to follow DeltaTalk on Facebook and Twitter (@DeltaTalk). As always, you can reach me at You can also call our message line at 662-205-NEMS (6367) to record feedback we might use on the air!

Thanks for listening -- and for helping to make positive-media programming possible on the SuperTalk Mississippi Radio Network. DeltaTalk, a one-hour show, airs Thursday mornings at 9am on SuperTalk 102.FM in Tupelo.